Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mom- February 26, 2009


Mom, it has been 3 years since I have participated in this email blog that little sis Susie has started for us but each time I try to write something I get all chocked up and stop writing. I will never forget the horrific day March 1, 2003, the dreaded call that was left on my voicemail from dad trying to desperately to find someone home for help and to tell us the terrible news. Till this day, I will not be the one to listen to any voice mail message for fear of bad news.


The day of your passing Jim, kids and I were at the Ford Field looking for new trailers. When we arrived home we checked our voicemail as usually and heard the tragic message of your passing. I was in shock, I screamed saying “what did that just say” “what was that message from Dad”, Jim didn’t want to play it again for he already knew what it said. Then at that moment Jerry had called to inform us of the details. Mom, Jerry was very brave, you would have been very proud of him he was the one with dad shortly after your passing and help dad thru that horrid afternoon. That evening we all gone to dad’s to support him, to be together, to grieve and just try to have it all sink in.


You have meant so much to me over the years that your passing has put an enormous hole in my heart that will never be filled. When I visit you at your condo (cemetery) I am usually with dad not just for me but I know dad likes having someone there with him. But sometimes I am courageous I go myself and when I do I spend time just talking to you and thinking what would it be like if you were still with us. There are so many things I need to thank you but I think of you everyday and pray to you every night asking for your “Guardian Angel” projection on all of us.

I miss you and love you very much for you will always be in my heart.


“If I could build a stairway, I would walk right up to you and bring you home”.


Love Marie






Sunday, March 8, 2009


Hi Mom,

Good Mothers are remembered for a long time. Great Mothers leave fingerprints on the souls of their children that are never erased. I've been fingerprinted! As the years pass, my love, appreciation and admiration for you only continues to grow.

The number of diapers you changed, outfits you sewed, lunches you packed, pigtails you crafted, toys you picked up, meals you prepared, parties you planned, groceries you bought, presents you wrapped, clothes you washed etc. is astonishing. And to top it off, you did most of it with a song in your heart. How did you manage it all? We're you sipping Red Bull energy drinks on the sly?

You provided an excellent example of a woman who is dedicated to her family and full of grace, wisdom, character, strength, generosity and pizazz! I wish you could be here to spoil my kids, correct my mistakes and mix-up some of those energy drinks for me! It's hard to accept the most influencial person in my life is someone my kids will never meet in this world.

We've been singing a lot of Disney songs as of late and many of them cannot be sung without thinking of you...Bibbety-Bobbity-Boo, It's a Small World, Spoonful of Sugar, Supercalifragalistic, She'll be Coming Roun' the Mountain etc. We all had so much fun singing with you!

So, here's to you Mom and your unique fingerprint which has been guiding me all my life.
I love and miss you,

Monday, March 2, 2009

I just want to tell you...

I love you so much; you have shaped the woman I am and the woman I want to be.
Thank you for continuing to be a guiding light in my life.

With Love,

Saturday, February 28, 2009

From Jimmy 2009


This is how I will always remember you…

Love your son,



Letter from Dan #1 son - 2009

Dear Mom,
Today is my two year anniversary of retirement; I hope or, rather I just know you would have been proud,to see your oldest grow into Senior Status.You put allot of work into making me into a Man of the Twenty First Century. Often when I see the clock read the time [ 313 ] or [303] I think of this Day. Exactly Six Years ago when you were called to Heaven, sort of {Gods Early Retirement Plan}, my question of why is not an option God needed you by his side and that's that. Say Hello to him from me.
Love Danny # 1 Son

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear Mom - Susie 2009

Dear Mom,

I took a trip with Darlene to Chicago for her 40th birthday(Yes, I am turning 40 this year). I travel with Darlene often, but it is usually with the family. This trip was just the girlfriends. Every time she got a call on her cell phone I panicked.

The day you died, Darlene and I were at the Palace of Auburn Hills watching the Disney Princesses on Ice show with Allison and Kayla. While I was driving home, she checked her voice mail and immediately called home. Mike had told her that you had passed. I could tell in her voice that something was wrong, but she wouldn’t tell me. She wouldn’t even tell me who it was about. I had to call Marie and Jim Blough told me. We continued to drive home in silence.

Still to this day, I am a little uneasy about making plans with just Darlene and me. I know I am superstitious, but the day you died still haunts me. I fear that she will get a call that something bad has happened to someone in my family.

Writing this letter brings me sadness and insecurity. Like the first day of Kindergarten; lost and alone. I would rather focus on all the good memories, but in reality, sadness is still palpable.

I think you would have liked the Disney on Ice Show.

Miss you and love you,
