Sunday, March 8, 2009


Hi Mom,

Good Mothers are remembered for a long time. Great Mothers leave fingerprints on the souls of their children that are never erased. I've been fingerprinted! As the years pass, my love, appreciation and admiration for you only continues to grow.

The number of diapers you changed, outfits you sewed, lunches you packed, pigtails you crafted, toys you picked up, meals you prepared, parties you planned, groceries you bought, presents you wrapped, clothes you washed etc. is astonishing. And to top it off, you did most of it with a song in your heart. How did you manage it all? We're you sipping Red Bull energy drinks on the sly?

You provided an excellent example of a woman who is dedicated to her family and full of grace, wisdom, character, strength, generosity and pizazz! I wish you could be here to spoil my kids, correct my mistakes and mix-up some of those energy drinks for me! It's hard to accept the most influencial person in my life is someone my kids will never meet in this world.

We've been singing a lot of Disney songs as of late and many of them cannot be sung without thinking of you...Bibbety-Bobbity-Boo, It's a Small World, Spoonful of Sugar, Supercalifragalistic, She'll be Coming Roun' the Mountain etc. We all had so much fun singing with you!

So, here's to you Mom and your unique fingerprint which has been guiding me all my life.
I love and miss you,

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