Saturday, March 1, 2014

2014 - Letter from Sue

Dear Mom,

I am so pleased that I have taken the time to write to you over the years. This blog has helped me accept that you are no longer with us, and focus on fond memories of what a beautiful lady you were.  

Recently I spent hours going over tapes that you recorded of yourself playing piano, and of you and your mother talking and singing.  My how they made me laugh and cry. I miss Grandma's Irish brogue and all of her stories.  The Irish songs that had such great lyrics about drinking and getting into mischief. What a great sense of humor our Irish heritage has given us. These tapes are like a little time capsule which has been such a treat to open.

This walk down memory lane has reminded me how lucky I am to have had such a happy and friendly grandmother and a mother whose smile and charm would brighten the room.  It makes me feel comforted; like watching the morning sun rise over the hill.

Missing you always,

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