Monday, February 7, 2005

Letter from Jim - 2005

Dear Mom,
I wanted to write this letter today because I think about you often butdon't get a chance to talk to you. So this morning I want to say how much I love you and miss you. I miss your kindness, your smile, your humor, your que sera, que sera attitude and you're singing and music and much much more. I think about you when I see the ticker symbols go across the TV. I think
about you when I see the Daffodils peaking up through the snow. I think about when Barclay comes over and gives me a little nudge when he sees the last bite of my sandwich. I think about you whenever there is a card game mentioned. But most recently I have been thinking about you when my children are giving me some frustration. I remember how you would say
"when you get older and have you're own house I am going to come over and
jump on the bed and put my feet on the ceiling" ! So I was thinking....
Mom can you please come over today?
You're the best ! I miss you Mom.


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