Friday, March 1, 2013

Remembering Mom 2013

Remembering Mom 2013

Hi Mom,

It is March 1st 2013 and I want to have a little chat with you.   I really miss you and want you to know the family you created is still strong and caring.  I came across this family history document you helped Rachel and Amanda do for a homework assignment and want to be sure to share with everyone as it is one of my treasures.  It is a great story of Family, Love and Perseverance.  The story continues on today……your children and grand children have carried on your family values you have instilled and developed a strong bond between each of us. 

You did good Mom!  

Love you & miss you.

Your son,


Jim Maurer
Home Building Solutions ACS
Account Representative
345 Inverness Drive South Suite 240
Englewood, CO 80112
Office      303-792-1667
Fax    303-792-1554
Mobile    303-588-4031

Saturday, February 23, 2013

10 Years missing you

We have grown so much these past 10 years!

Collin 15 Years old
Collin is a wonderful mature young man that is passionate about sports.  He is a responsible student, a great listener and gives the best hugs.

Allison 13 Years old
Look at those freckles, do they remind you of anyone? Allison is a great student, a volleyball superstar and has your gift for music.

Shane 9 Years old
I wish Shane could have met you. He loves to talk, he can beat you at Euchre and will dance the Tango with you.

Dear Mom,
In the past ten years my life has gone from toddlers to teenagers. Sleepless nights to taxi driver. Creative parenting to picking my battles. If I had to do it all over again, I would have picked the same path, but hopefully with a little more perspective; recognize what is important and don't sweat the small stuff. I wish you were here to guide me and give advise.  I miss your smile and your optimistic outlook on life.
I miss you.  Love, Susie